Sunday, May 1, 2011

Finals Week and Goodbyes

The end of spring semester is always extremely bittersweet. This year, it was definitely more bitter than sweet for me. While another year has been accomplished and summer is here, leaving friends and life at CNU was much harder for me this year than last year (Freshman year). But before I dive into the parts that are gonna make me gush tears all over again, I'll mention the sweet parts of this year's close.

Finals Week is always so much fun! Classes are over, weekly commitments (Bible studies, etc.) have finished up their meetings, and while there are exams to study for, there is a lot of freedom with your time during Finals Week. Hanging with friends, eating nothing but sugar, going to the beach, and pulling all-nighters in the library just for fun are some of the fun things we did during our last week at CNU. Specifics for me include...

1. My birthday :) I turned 20 on Thursday of Finals Week (04/28) and my INCREDIBLE friends threw me a surprise dance party at midnight. We also went out to dinner Thursday evening, and I felt so blessed and had such a great time!

Me and some of the girls....

Dinner at Brickhouse Tavern in Port. I chose it randomly because I had never been and it turned out to be great!

2. Finishing my Picture Book for child lit. I had a final project in one of my Children's Literature classes to make a 32-page picture book. My book's storyline? A person's life shown through different kinds of feet. Yep, that's right. And, no - I do not have a foot-fetish. I just liked the idea when it popped into my head and decided to run with it. But anyways... we were allowed to use any form of medium we wanted for the illustrations, so I chose photography (go figure, haha). I spent Finals Week frantically running around snapping shots for my book, editing the shots, throwing out shots and going to take more, developing my images, and finally putting the whole book together. It was crazy but really fun! Here are some of the shots I took during Finals Week...

Ok, yeaah, this next image didn't make it into the book, but I couldn't resist snapping a photo of this darling girl's face (who's feet are pictured above)...

3. Megabed. During Finals Week both semesters this past year, my roommates and I brought all our mattresses out into the living room and made the comfy creation we call "Megabed." Although the living room ends up looking like a hurricane hit, Megabed brought us together and made for amazing sleepovers with our other girlfriends.

Now come the tearful parts of Finals Week. Packing, leaving the house and cul-de-sac that I lived in this year and that's getting torn down this summer, hanging out with friends for the last time in the cul-de-sac... It was just all so hard for me! I will admit that some of these next photos do make me smile in spite of my tears. But I'll just let the photos do the talking...

My good friend Katie Garguilo wanted me to take some photos of her collaged (is that a word?) door in her residence hall, for her to remember it by....

Here's Merritt Road, the cul-de-sac I lived in... 


The guys' house, 5 Merritt. Some of the most amazing m.o.g.s (man of God) live there and I love them so so SO much! 

Shaun and Ben... gaah, love em!

The graduating seniors of 5 Merritt, Shaun Starkey, Sean Barefoot, and Andrew Hurst. I'm gonna miss you guys SO much!

As our last "house time" on Saturday right before I left for home, Tara, Karly, Sally, & I went to lunch at Chipotle. It was fun to look back on the year but also very tear-jerking!


Tara tries to lighten the mood...

My room before...

My room after :(

Goodbye 8 Merritt! It's been a great, wonderful AMAZING year. I will miss you next year.

And now I've reached the end of this post. In closing, please know that I am excited to be home and to relax and have a nice long summer break. It's just a hard adjustment, leaving friends and the cul-de-sac I loved and was a part of that won't be there next year. I'm sure I'll move on soon though, and can look forward to the wonderful things God has for me this summer and next year at CNU!


  1. Oh debs. This is so bittersweet to read. We had an AMAZING year together, and these past couple weeks have been the best. Just remember..THERE ARE SO MANY MEMORIES/PICTURES/LAUGHS to come! Can't wait :)

    love you forevaaa!!

  2. ahhhhhhhhhh can't believe merritt is gonna be gone :( so many memeories! heart you and can't wait for the fall though!!!!!!!!!!
