Friday, June 3, 2011

NEXT 2011 Conference - Part II

Part II photos of the NEXT conference begins on Monday night. After Liane, Charis, Molly's, and my sushi dinner, we dropped Li off at the Rancho 3M table where she was serving before the night session and then Char, Mol, and I went outside to take some photos. I was DYING with the sunset and the sky and the clouds... so beautiful! Enjoy our little "shoot"....

Mol & Char making shadows...

The side angle of the hotel.... isn't it gorgeous?!?

Mollssss, so preeettty!!

Looove this one, Char...

Charis, you are beautiful. Ohmygoshhh...

Hahaha, I looooove her...

Charis took this next set of me and Mols.... I love em! Great job, Char Char :):)

Lovelovelove this next one!!

Gahhh look at that sky!!

Ninja time...

Thennnn she actually hit me...

... and it hurt!! 


Moogle took these next ones... Nice job, Mol!

Whipping the hair...

Monday night session!

Another testimony! :)

Monday night speaker, R.C. Sproul! He wore a hat supporting a rival team of his (Ohio-something?!), in order to appease the rival team supporters at NEXT (at least I think that's why he wore it... haha, sorry I'm not too good with remembering those details).

Sproul talked about "The Reality of Truth in a World of Relativism." He was so funny! And his message was amazing.

A night shot of the back of the hotel, Monday night...

Tuesday morning! Last session... So sad! But sitting with these beautiful girlies made it better...

Ben and NatNat :):):) Great cousins...

Grant Layman and Josh Harris... honoring each other and others for the hard work that was put in to make the conference happen. I'm so grateful for all these two men do for the young adults in Sovereign Grace Ministries!

Kevin DeYoung spoke for the last session on "Who Am I? Humanity in the Eyes of the World and the Christian." A GREAT way to end the conference!

Part III in the next few days (including more photos and what God taught me at the conference).

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